What It Is
Foundations is designed to highlight the unique flavor of Antioch Ministries. Foundations will help you to encounter God, be transformed by the Spirit in community with fellow students, and share the love of Jesus with those you meet. You will be equipped with knowledge and experiences that will help you live as a disciple of Jesus as you fulfill your call in His Kingdom.
- We meet one night per week for a total of 24 classes divided into Fall and Winter semesters.
- No more than 4 absences over the year.
- Active participation during class time and discipleship groups.
- A full day of outreach in a local city on November 11th alongside ADS students.
- One retreat per semester (location and length of retreat TBD).
- Join a ministry and serve once a month.
- Read through Psalms and the New Testament over the course of the year.
- Read two books per semester.
- Memorize 15 verses of Scripture per semester.
While enrolled in Foundations, you are making a choice to allow others to invest in your life, challenge you, encourage you, and hold you accountable. Your growth and transformation this year will be largely determined by your willingness to invest time and to follow through with assignments.
If you are committing to Foundations and trusting that God will transform your life this year, you need to create space in your life to grow. Our strong encouragement is for you to pray through the areas of your life that take up your time, energy and thoughts to see what could be sacrificed for a season. Pray about extracurricular activities, clubs, hobbies, media (books, tv, social media, magazines, secular music, games, etc.), alcohol consumption, etc.
A Teachable Heart
We expect that you enter the school willing to learn and obey what is taught. A teachable heart is a key attribute of someone who desires growth and change in their walk with the Lord.
Matthew 18:3 - And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Our heart attitude this year will be child-like in our willingness to learn, change, and listen to our Father.
$600 for new students, $1100 for couples, $450 for former Training School Students
Tuition covers: director and staff stipends, honorariums & travel expenses for guest speakers, meeting space utilities (heat, electricity, etc.), books and supplies.
Important Dates & Events
Weekly Class Time : 6-9:30pm on Tuesday evenings at Presentation School in Waltham. Some classes may be at a different location.
- Tuesday, September 26: Fall Semester Begins
- Sunday, October 15th: Encounter Night at Antioch Waltham
- Saturday, November 11th: Outreach Day with ADS
- Tuesday, December 12th: Last Class of Fall Semester
- Tuesday, January 16th: Spring Semester Begins
- Tuesday, April 3rd: Last Class of Spring Semester
If students are consistently not meeting expectations (completing assignments or readings, paying tuition, exceeding absences, etc.), they must meet with ADS leadership to discuss their commitment to the school and options for how they can meet the expectations. If after the first meeting, they still are consistently not meeting expectations, they will meet again with ADS leadership to discuss the possibility of a transition out of the school based on their choices.