Upcoming Events


Engage The Nations: Southeast Asia 2025

Interest meeting on Zoom this Sunday
February 16th, 7 - 8:30 PM

Join us this summer as we partner & pray against human trafficking in Southeast Asia alongside our missionaries stationed in Thailand. We're looking for 12 individuals who are post-college (or seniors in college), have a passion for intercession, and anyone with specific skill sets such as those in the medical field, teaching, social work, media and more to serve as an intern from May 22–August 10.

We will pray, share the gospel and take our practical skill sets to the nation of Thailand. There is a Zoom Info session on Sunday, 2/16, 7–8:30pm for anyone remotely considering joining the team. Let RosieHolmes@accboston.org, Base Leader, know how you'd like to engage with what God is doing in Thailand!

For more information and the Zoom link, email Rosie Holmes: RosieHolmes@accboston.org


Women's Gathering

Saturday, February 22nd from 2 - 4 PM
Antioch Waltham  |  17 Spruce St, Waltham

Interested in getting together with other women to make cards of encouragement and collect items to donate to the Community Day Center? Join us for a time of conversation, snacks, and creative art — to bless our community together!

Contact Shaketra (Keke) for more information: pgmd2@yahoo.com


3 Day Fast 2025 - Web (360 x 280 px)

Antioch 3 Day Prayer & Fast

Join our third worldwide Antioch movement three-day fasting and prayer for the nations. This year’s word of the Lord is prepare(d) for harvest. We will be dedicating ourselves to prayer for our teams both overseas and stateside, asking Jesus to take over and encounter the nations in powerful ways. Below is a way you can participate together with the Antioch New England church community (perhaps more to come!), as well as a link to a PDF guide to fasting.


Wednesday ANE nations prayer
February 26th, 6 - 6:30 AM
Zoom link


PDF Guide to Fasting


Jesus Hour

Saturdays from 9 - 10:30 AM
Antioch Waltham  |  17 Spruce St, Waltham  |  In the Sanctuary

The vision of Jesus Hour is to create regular spaces of worship during the week. We are gathering once a week during the workday lunch hour, and once a week to kick off the weekend.

Through these times of worship, we hope you will feel welcomed into the presence of the Lord and be trained on how to worship Jesus! The invitation to participate is open to all of the Antioch churches.

For more information, email Jonathan Hodge: hodgejonathan99@gmail.com


Intentional Community Groups

Looking for Community & Connection?

Intentional Community Groups (“ICGs”) available this fall include:

  • Burlington Sunday lifegroup (2nd and 4th Sundays) 12:30-2:30pm
  • Youth Family lifegroup (Delta youth nights) 7-9pm
  • Young Adult lifegroup (2nd and 4th Friday) starting at 6:30pm with a potluck dinner
  • Friday Dinners with the Buckners (2x/month)
  • Women’s lifegroup (Waltham) Friday nights 7-9pm
  • Missionaries to Waltham (Every Wednesday)
  • Family lifegroup with men’s and women’s groups (2x/month)


Contact information for specific groups available on the Lifegroups page.

Contact Sophia Ma (sophiama@accboston.org) with additional questions or interest.


Mom Connection

Mom Connection is a place for moms in every season of motherhood to gather together and encounter the love and presence of God, be refreshed in authentic community, and be encouraged and equipped to pour out for our families and others around us.

Wednesdays, 9:30 - 11 AM

On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, we gather at Antioch Waltham to hear from other moms as they share their stories and experiences. Limited childcare is provided on these weeks.

On the second and fourth Wednesdays, we meet at parks or in homes to connect and pray together. We have our kids with us during these meetings.

We also aim to carve out an evening each semester to gather together for fun, connection, and encouragement for those with Wednesday daytime commitments since that time of refill is so valuable for all of us! If you would like to help plan these evening times please reach out to our leadership team and let us know.

Contact the Mom Connection team for more information and to receive weekly reminders and location updates.


ANE Prayer

Wednesdays, 6 - 6:30 AM

Join us on Wednesday mornings at 6:00 am on Zoom for 30 minutes of prayer for our Antioch New England churches, the nations, the lost in our cities, and for justice and unity.

Zoom link


Abiding Prayer

Fridays, 6 - 7 AM

Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5b

Come practice abiding with Jesus through stillness, contemplative prayer, lectio divina (Scripture meditation), and intercession.

Zoom link
Contact Sophia Ma (sophiama@accboston.org) to sign up for weekly reminders


Plow & Sow

Our God is the one who causes seeds to sprout and grow, and He is also the one who plows the field of our hearts for a great harvest! Join us in loving our city as we partner with the Lord to plow (pray) and sow (share) over EVERY street in Waltham. We plan to go out approximately every other week.

Next Plow & Sow:
TBD in 2025

Stay in the loop

We send out weekly updates about ways we’re meeting together, how to get involved and connect with others. Note: we will never forward your information to third parties, and you can unsubscribe easily at any time.